!!! Read our updated manual how to make e-HAC Indonesia On PeduliLindungi App here !!!
eHAC is electronic health alert card. Before departure to Indonesia and on domestic flights in Indonesia you always need to fill it.
Official web site for make eHAC Indonesia for free
Everything maximum simple. Sign up and generate eHAC for free in web browser.

Press eHAC International if you bought ticket to Indonesia and coming from abroad or eHAC Domestic for local flights inside country.
If you are foreigner who is coming to Indonesia need to have return ticket from country.

Fill forms with data from your ticket. If you didn’t make check in yet set “No seat”:

You need to open generated PDF-document:

You can print that page or just make screenshot of eHAC QR-code:

Choose menu My eHAC -> eHAC Domestic / International if you need to get QR code for your family members / travel partners:

eHAC for Android and iPhone
You can also use mobile device to generate QR code of eHAC. Application eHAC for Android works good, but iPhone version often has fatal error. iPhone owners can use web site. You just need to go to menu Account -> press HAC:

Next press + in right top corner of application and fill eHAC International or eHAC Domestic. You will get QR code which need to show in airport. Make screenshot of QR code in case you will be without internet.

Have a safe flight!