Dependent KITAS for Spouse, Child, Stepchild, Adopted Child, and Parent of Indonesian Citizen (WNI) E31A, E31C, E31D, E31F, E31G for 1-2 Years – Visa Agency

Dependent KITAS for Spouse, Child, Stepchild, Adopted Child, and Parent of Indonesian Citizen (WNI) E31A, E31C, E31D, E31F, E31G for 1-2 Years

Foreigners married to Indonesian citizens (WNI) are eligible for a Family KITAS, which can be issued for a duration of 1 to 2 years. After being married for 2 years, you can convert your KITAS to a 5-year KITAP. Learn more about the Spouse KITAS for those married to Indonesian citizens.

Eligibility for WNI (Indonesian Citizens) and Visas Eligible for the Multiple Activity Reporting Process

Visa NamePurpose & Requirements
Spouse of Indonesian Citizen (E31A)Marriage to an Indonesian citizen. Allows family reunion. Employment or education-related activities can be reported using the multiple activity process to permit work or study.
Child of Indonesian Citizen (E31C)Family reunion if the sponsor parent is Indonesian. Not convertible to KITAP. Employment or education-related activities can be reported and approved.
Stepchild of Indonesian Citizen (E31D)Family reunion if the sponsor parent is Indonesian. Not convertible to KITAP. Allows attending education once reported and approved by Immigration.
Legally Adopted Child of Indonesian Citizen (E31F)Family reunion if the sponsor parent is Indonesian. Allows attending education in Indonesia once reported and approved by Immigration.
Parent of Indonesian Citizen (E31G)Family reunion if sponsor adult child is Indonesian. Must be with an Indonesian son or daughter who is at least 21 years old. Allows attending education once reported and approved by Immigration.

Importance of the Multiple Activity Reporting Process

The Multiple Activity Reporting Process is crucial as it ensures that foreigners with visas not initially designed for work or study can still legally participate in these activities after reporting to the Immigration Office. Engaging in work or study without reporting can result in fines, visa cancellations, deportation, or blacklisting from Indonesia.

For other visa types, like Spouse or Dependent KITAS, work and study are not permitted unless reported and approved through the Multiple Activity Reporting Process.

Get Dependent Family KITAS within a week

Spouse KITAS E31A: Join Your Indonesian Spouse / WNI (1-Year or 2-Year Option)
Example of Spouse KITAS E31A: Join Your Indonesian Spouse (2-Year Option)

Do you want to get a Dependent KITAS for family members of Indonesian Citizen (WNI)?

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Requirements for a KITAS Sponsored by an Indonesian Citizen

How to Get Dependent KITAS E31A to Join Your Indonesian Spouse

Required Documents (from Applicant)

  • Main page of the passport (valid for at least 6 months).
  • Color personal photograph (electronic copy).
  • Marriage Certificate (AKTA Perkawinan) (sworn translation into English or Indonesian) see translation options.

How to Get Dependent KITAS for Child, Parent E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G to Join Your Indonesian Family

Additional Documents for Children/Stepchildren/Adopted Children of WNI (Under 18 years old) and Parents:

Steps to Obtain Dependent KITAS for Family Members (the owner of the main KITAS is an Indonesian/WNI)

  1. Submit all the required documents and register your Family Visa with the Directorate General of Immigration.
  2. After arriving in Indonesia, you will receive a sticker in your passport.
  3. You will receive your e-ITAS via email in PDF format.

Prices for Dependent KITAS for Family Members E31A/E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G for 1 or 2 Years

Process NameTotal Fee
Dependent KITAS E31A/E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G for family members of WNI for 1 year10,200,000
Dependent KITAS E31A/E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G for family members of WNI for 2 years13,450,000

Are You in Bali or Jakarta? We Can Convert Your C1/211A to KITAS Without Leaving Indonesia.

Required Documents (from Applicant)

Required Documents (from Indonesian Spouse)

  • Certificate of Birth.
  • Family Card (Kartu Keluarga/KK).
  • Tax Registry (NPWP).
  • Copy of KTP and Domicile Letter (if not from Bali) view options.
  • CNI Letter from Embassy.

Steps to Get Family Spouse KITAS Onshore

  1. Bring your passport and all copies of the required documents to our office contact us here; we will process them at the Local Immigration Office to obtain a KITAS.
  2. You will need to attend for Biometric (Photo and Fingerprint) in Immigration Office during this process.
  3. You will receive your Passport back with the Family KITAS permit.

Prices for Dependent KITAS for Family Members of WNI E31A/E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G (ex C317) for 1 and 2 Years (Onshore Process)

Process NameTotal Fee
Onshore conversion C1/211A to Dependent KITAS E31A/E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G for family members of WNI for 1 yearPrice of new KITAS offshore + 2,500,000
Dependent KITAS E31A/E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G extension 1 yearPrice of new KITAS offshore + 2,500,000
Dependent KITAS E31A/E31C/E31D/E31F/E31G extension 2 yearsPrice of new KITAS offshore + 2,500,000

Process Duration

About Dependent Family KITAS for Spouse, Parents, Children of Indonesian Citizen

Dependent KITAS is a multiple entry visa. You need to start the extension process 2 months prior to expiration or begin the KITAS closure process 2 weeks prior via EPO.

What If the Sponsor (WNI) of the KITAS/KITAP Family Visa Passes Away or Divorces the Foreigner?

If the sponsor (WNI) of the KITAS/KITAP family visa passes away or the couple divorces, several important factors come into play regarding your residency status in Indonesia. Initially, it’s crucial to understand that your first KITAP is valid for 5 years. After successfully holding a KITAS, you can transition to a KITAP, which can then lead to a lifelong KITAP after the initial 5-year period.

If you have maintained continuous residency in Indonesia as a KITAS or KITAP holder for 5 years without leaving the country, you may qualify for Indonesian citizenship. However, if you prefer to retain your current citizenship, you can opt to keep your lifetime KITAP after the initial 5-year period. If you leave Indonesia during your residence permit, you must wait a total of 10 years with a KITAS or KITAP before applying for citizenship. For mixed families with children who hold Indonesian citizenship, the waiting period for the foreign spouse can be shortened to just 7 years.

In the event of a divorce or the death of your Indonesian spouse, you will need to find a new Indonesian sponsor to maintain your residency status. This can be a friend or acquaintance. Due to this change of sponsor, you will have to start the process with a new KITAP, which again has a validity of 5 years. However, if your marriage lasted more than 20 years, you may not need a new sponsor to apply for a KITAP. The fee for converting your visa is comparable to the cost of obtaining a new KITAP.

Contact us

Do you want to get a Dependent KITAS for family members of Indonesian Citizen (WNI)? Contact our visa expert now.